Manufacturing Execution Systems
Manufacturing Execution Systems
Data Collection
Error Proofing
Just In Time
Manufacturing Execution Systems
Key Benefits System Components Key Features

Monitor and record vital information for real time or historical review.
Essential Insight can track a wide array of critical information about the assembly of your product as it moves through the manufacturing process. The data monitoring and collection options are virtually endless, down to the individual tool level. Measure and record everything from general information such as throughput per workstation, to very specific data such as the torque and revolutions of each screw installed. The system can generate reports in real time or provide historical reporting about the manufacture of a single product or a batch of products. Or reports can be aggregated across the entire manufacturing process, allowing trend analyses.

“Error proof” your process for maximum quality control.
Essential Insight is configurable to provide “error-proofing” functionality that enforces assembly sequence rules, as well as the use of proper components and subassemblies. The system can also deliver instructions directly to the operator through a PC with a standard computer monitor, and also control that operator’s behavior by tracking every action — requiring the proper actions to be taken, in the proper order, before production can continue.

Configure Essential Insight to fit your process and meet your specific needs.
One of the major benefits of Essential Insight is that it is completely customizable to meet the needs and objectives of your plant. Whatever you’re manufacturing…whatever your process…whatever the size of your plant and number of workers…Essential Insight can be configured to monitor and control every step in the assembly of your products. The question is not, “What can Essential Insight do?” The question is, “What do you want Essential Insight to do?”

Enjoy fast, smooth implementation and easy operator use.
Implementing Essential Insight is a simple process, both in the back office and on the factory floor. ISE programmers will configure the system to your specifications before it goes live in the plant, where employee training is fast and easy. Essential Insight delivers operator instructions via a PC with a standard monitor or touchscreen, and also provides immediate feedback based on the operator’s actions. Complete instructions can be delivered to the operator on a per SKU basis, including pictures and graphs. Plus, operator display layout and content can also be changed quickly and easily using a simple, integrated layout tool.

Make changes on the fly in real time — on site or remotely — so production never stops.
At ISE, we don’t think it makes sense for a system meant to increase productivity to regularly bring your plant to a halt! That’s why Essential Insight was specifically designed to be configurable during the manufacturing process…from any computer, anywhere in the world, authorized to access the system. So no matter where your plants are located, downtime is not required when changes are needed.